Rules? Yes, a few..
No matter where you live, there will always be some rules to benefit you, your neighbors, the city, county, etc. Dog rules are a big one! Most parks have either a “weight” limit or a “size” limit–30 lbs or under, or 12/ 14 inches from shoulder to floor. In order to get around that people always say “it’s a service dog“…OK, then you will need a doctor’s letter saying you need a service dog! NOT the certificate available on the internet. That won’t work! Oh, and one indoor cat…(try keeping your cat indoors if he wants out!)
In order to qualify for living in a park you must meet the manager, fill out the application and set a time for a personal interview. Several parks require an income up to 3 times the space rent, i.e., space rent is $700.00, you must prove $2100.00 monthly. In addition, some parks will charge more space rent if it is your second home; not your primary residence. Ventura Marina does not charge extra for a second home, and they do not require the three times space rent rule. They are looking at your credit history and assets. Oxnard Shores, a family park off of 5th and Harbor, charges more space rent if it is a second home.
Senior parks are usually ages 55 and over, with the second person 50 or more. Not all senior parks are the same–some are 65 and over, etc., so be sure to ask your Realtor the rules before you engage in a lengthy contract. Every person living in the home will need to be on the application.
Can my grandbabies visit me in a senior park? Of course! Can they move in? NO! Park rules say 21 days in succession and 30 days a year…but who’s counting?
Questions? Please call or text me–
Sally Fisher – my cell-818-268-2200