- CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN – especially bathrooms and kitchen. Do a little bit of staging on your own. Put away all those bottles of commercial products–the shampoos, cleaning items, etc. and just have a pretty soap container, pretty towels, a plant, etc., and make sure the areas are spotless. Hire a cleaning crew in order to maximize your profit. I can not empathize CLEAN too often! Dirty house signifies seller does not care, probably does not do needed repairs. Please, no air deodorizers! The sweet smell can be overpowering. If you have a cat, please make sure there are no signs of unkept litter boxes. Same cleanliness rules apply to a dog. Throw a lemon in the garbage disposal to freshen the air! Open windows!
- NECESSARY PAPERWORK – Find the registration from the Department of Housing and Community Development, stating the name of the manufacturer, the width and length, and the decal number–all necessary in order to close escrow.
- WHOSE NAME IS ON REGISTRATION? – is it current? Are they deceased? Do you have death certificate?
- IS THE HOME IN A TRUST? – If so, make sure you have the trust papers. Escrow will need certain pages, not the entire trust, but pages indicating the disposition of the property.
- 5. IS THERE A LENDER? If money is owed, make sure your information is up-to-date.
- SPACE RENT – What is the current space rent, and when will it go up? Some parks increase the rent when a new owner takes possession. Other parks raise it once a year across the board. What does the space rent include? Any utilities? Gas, Water, electric, sewer and trash pick-up? Your buyer will have to know this!
- Rent Control? – The rules for rent control in Ventura state that the rent can legally be increased up to 5% per year. I have found that it never has gone up that much here in Ventura Marina Community; it is usually 1% or less.
- INSPECTIONS? Should you get a termite and wood destroying inspection before selling? My advice is always “yes”. Why, because I think it is best to know how much the repairs will be (if any) before accepting an offer. The buyer might want you to pay for repairs, so it is best to know ahead of time. Let me add, it is not mandatory that seller pays for report or repairs.
- UPGRADES? If you have done any, try to find the receipts. This might include flooring, counter tops, appliances, roof, furnace and hotwater heater, kitchen and bathrooms. Also, interior and exterior painting.
- SMOKER? Always a touchy subject because smokers believe no one can smell or notice the residual effects of smoking–yellowed walls and the stench of cigarettes. If you want to get top dollar, then don’t smoke in your house, don’t leave dirty ashtrays anywhere, and maybe even try to take the healthy route and stop smoking! I have had would-be buyers take one foot inside a smoker’s home and turn around and walk out, saying “never mind”! Remember, many seniors used to smoke, have quit for various reasons, the most important being health, and they do not want to be reminded. So, it is up to you, Mr. Seller!
Lastly, curb appeal is important. NO FAKE FLOWERS PLEASE!! Freshen up those wilted plants, throw out the pots of dead flowers, and purchase a few brightly-colored flowers that will be in bloom for a while. Hire a gardener.
Sally Fisher